Sunday, March 27, 2011

Lord of the Fly Kills

It's starting to get warmer, and with the warm weather comes something very annoying - flies.  And tons of them.

They're everywhere; buzzing around outside frolicking with the fly ladies, savoring the tasty garbage heaps and raw sewage, and generally being a nuisance.  The flies have even infiltrated my office, and they are seriously annoying.  They buzz around your head and land on your face and they're driving us crazy.  Over the past 3 days I think we've killed close to 100.  At first, we kept track on a whiteboard, but got tired of that after about 35 kills. 

Anyway, so today I was prowling the office with a rolled up magazine looking for the few remaining stragglers (until the door opens and reinforcements pour in to take their places).  On my way around the office, I stopped by one room and addressed one of my co-workers:

(This was in a southern drawl, so you're going to have to sound it out for full effect) 

"Howdy, ma'am.  I'm just on the prowl for some escaped convicts.  Are yew folks harborin' any fugitives?  Ya'll know it's a felony to shelter the flies?"

For some reason she just bursts out laughing.  Maybe because that accent's just ridiculous if you're not wearing a cowboy hat?

"Ma'am, this is serious.  These pesky criminals are a serious health and mental wellness risk to the whole office, have you seen 'em?"

She's wasn't very helpful, so I continued the search on my own.  I finally encountered one of the bastards at rest, and as I snuck up behind it, it was blissfully ignorant to the world of pain that was about to happen.
Pictured: a world of pain
Just before I smacked it into mush (come to think of it, we're really going to need to start cleaning the fly guts off the walls, ceilings, printers and... you know what?, probably the entire office), I murmured: "I'm going to teach you that it is NOT ok to be a fly."

Here's the aftermath:

Myatt Daaamon.
 I swear the placement was unintentional.  I guess Matt Damon just really wanted to headbutt a fly.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Twilight sucks

If you haven’t heard of the Twilight series, you’re either luckier than a double lottery winner who stood under a metal pole in a thunderstorm and didn't get hit by lightning, or you have been living under a rock for the past few years. Maybe you're just old.

Twilight is an unholy series of books crapped out by Stephenie Meyer, which got turned into even unholier movies and has teenage and twenty-something girls going inexplicably apeshit crazy over its male characters, especially Edward Cullen.
Why they do is anyone's guess, as this is what the actor actually looks like in real life:
"Jimmy, call security and the janitorial staff.  I think Pattinson is about to crap his pants again.  Looks like a big one this time."
Twilight is what people in literary circles like to refer to as ‘Mary Sue’ fiction and what I like to refer to as "drivel I wouldn't line my birdcage with."

According to a article on
fan fiction,

"A Mary Sue is a thinly veiled representation of the author, or more accurately, the person the author wishes she could be. Her main characteristic is her utter amazingness, which is so strong it creates a kind of black hole that sucks in the established personalities of the characters around her.

Wise characters are baffled by the Mary Sue's superior intellect; emotionally distant men cave in and fall in love with her, and cold characters are impressed by her tragic past. She usually features a striking appearance and unusual name (think Sookie Stackhouse from the ‘True Blood’ series) and spends her days surrounded by people telling her how wonderful she is."

Even Stieg Larsson (the guy who wrote "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo") is guilty of writing Mary Sue fiction. Before writing his best selling trilogy, Larsson was a Swedish magazine writer whose life's mission was exposing corruption. Coincidentally, the fictional version is a Swedish magazine writer whose life mission is (you guessed it) exposing corruption. He is also very rich and talented, admired by many important people and constantly being seduced by beautiful women, including a former abuse victim whose fear of men is cured by his cock. But I’ll let this one slide, because his books are pretty awesome.

By all accounts, ‘Mary Sue’ authors are some of the richest and most successful authors on earth. Stephenie Meyer is a prime example of an author that churns out Mary Sue "literature." So is Charlaine Harris of 'True Blood' fame. Most romance novels fall into this category; fantasy books written by women, for women (sad, lonely women), about the perfect man coming and sweeping the timid, insecure protagonist off her feet. Incidentally, this picture of Charlaine Harris is a good example of what most romance novelists look like:

People who don't get any, tend to have a very active fantasy life
I'm not saying everyone who reads romance novels is a lonely, overweight woman who builds up the concept of the impossibly perfect man in her head while stuffing her pudgy face with Dove chocolates, telling herself that some day her prince will come, all while crying herself to sleep every night in the paws of the only male who will ever love her (as long as the food keeps coming - and can we really call cats' attitudes towards their owners 'love'?), her tomcat Mittens, which she dresses up in inane costumes and carries around the house until he finally snaps from all the unwanted affection and scratches her face up.

Yes, this cat is dressed up as Edward
Just like I'm not saying that everyone that watches weird anime porn is an inexplicably arrogant nerd who lives in his mother's basement and subsists on Cheetos and Mountain Dew, which fuel his poorly written online tirades on subjects like WoW and Star Wars.
Hey ladies, I'm single and ready to mingle, but you have to be at least a 7.5 for me to even consider you
Anyway, back to Twilight.  It's essentially just a masturbatory aid for Stephenie Meyer, who found out she could get rich by pandering this nonsense to the female masses.  I found this (very accurate) post about Twilight on TheOatmeal:

"First off, the author creates a main character which is an empty shell. Her appearance isn't described in detail; that way, any female can slip into it and easily fantasize about being this person. You can read 400 pages of Twilight and barely have any idea of what Bella Swan looks like; as far as anyone is concerned, she’s a giant Lego brick. Appearance aside, her personality is portrayed as insecure, fumbling, and awkward - a combination anyone who ever went through puberty can relate to. By creating this "empty shell," the character becomes less of a person and more of something a female reader can put on and wear.

So after a few chapters of listening to Bella whine about high school, sucking at volleyball, and being the center of attention, the second major character is introduced. Imagine everything women want in a man, then exaggerate it by ten thousand - and you've got Edward Cullen. The level of detail that the author goes into while describing Edward's appearance is remarkable. Stephenie Meyer’s use of the phrase “Edward's perfect face" is far into the double digits, in the first book alone. The author describes in excruciating detail his muscular pecs, clothing, hair, eye color - even his goddamn breath (I'm not joking).
Probably not what Stephenie Meyer envisioned when she wrote: "Bella felt Edward's passionate breath on the back of her neck"
Edward intensely listens to everything Bella has to say, even if she's bitching about having diarrhea on Christmas or her preferred method for cutting a sandwich in half. As far as the reader is concerned, Edward cares about nothing in the world more than Bella. What the author has done is create a perfect male figure - a pale Greek statue which the reader can worship and in turn be worshipped by."

If you’re still not convinced Twilight is gayer than Elton John, consider this. Did you know that male bats have the highest rates of homosexuality of any mammal? Twilight explained.

Anyway, in case you needed more proof, it looks like Edward has been getting it on with Jacob behind Bella’s back.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

The gummy worm story

A couple of years back I was visiting some friends in LA and stopped by a gas station to get some snacks.  I picked up some soda, some chips and a bag containing about 2 pounds of gummy worms.  When we got back to the house, I completely forgot about the bag.  This was a hot summer day, already in the triple digits, so the car's interior promptly climbed to about 140 F.
2 hours later, I remembered the bag and went out to get it.  The gummy worms had completely liquefied, leaving me with a plastic bag of hot sloshing color.  I stuck it in the fridge to let it cool down.  When I checked on it a few hours later, it had hardened back up into a solid block of gummy, which was surprisingly hard to cut.  I ate about a quarter of it.

In case you were wondering, nothing bad happened.  I didn't get sick or constipated.  The one notable thing was that it turned my poop green.

FYI, crystal meth does that too.  Not that I personally do meth.  It's just a little factoid I thought appropriate to pass along, given that today's March 17th.

So in a nutshell, if you want green poop for St Patrick's day, eat a bunch of gummy bears/worms or do some meth, though the gummy bears are probably less addictive.  Happy St Patty's day!