Thursday, January 27, 2011

Comment and get a fantastic prize!

Happy anniversary to my blog!  It's only a week old and has already been viewed 200 times!  But it has yet to receive any comments. :-(

So for a limited time only and on the special occasion of this blog's one week anniversary, be one of the first 5 commenters and you get a super special prize: an autographed copy of the movie 'Due Date'!!!!!
This masterpiece of crap
What I mean by "you will receive an autographed copy of 'Due Date'" is that you will get a picture of a  bootleg copy I got for a dollar on the black market in Afghanistan.  The autograph part is the mustaches drawn on the faces of the main characters with a Sharpie.  Yes, the dog too
And look, he's all decked out for the party.  Seriously, does anyone know how to use Paint in Windows 7 so it's not so obvious I just pasted that party hat on?
 So act now and WIN!!!!


  1. Saylab and I will still chip in for that pirate tattoo...

  2. Thanks everyone
    @David, I'll think about it

    Prize will be forthcoming, I just need to get around to taking the picture and uploading it

  3. since this seems to be the one everyone is commenting on, i just wanted to say I have been loving your posts and emails and am glad you are staying safe!
