Thursday, April 4, 2013

Sold my trailer today

Yeah I know, the title and topic of this post is more worthy of an attention whore's facebook update than of the musings of this righteous blog's author.  But still, I thought I'd share it with the world.  If you've been reading my blog you'd know that...

Wait, I say that a lot.  The number of times I've told someone "If you've been reading my blog, you'd know that..." is well into the five figures.  Wait, I meant fingers.  Five fingers.  As in, I can count on one hand how many times I've said that to people.  Because I don't have any friends.  :sniff:

Kidding, I tend to say that a lot.  Even if it is to the homeless man who tries not to look at me while he passes by the nest I've made for myself between the dumpsters in back of the TGI Fridays and ask him for change.  Or to the attractive blond I've been chatting up for the past 20 minutes before I realize it's a cardboard cutout of some failed actress who now resorts to hocking diet beer to pay the bills.

Anyway, if you've been reading my blog, you'll know that last year I purchased a folding utility trailer I could tow with my Corolla so I could move all my stuff cross country without having to get a U Haul.  I put it up on craigslist recently, and today the gentleman and I went to the DMV to transfer the title.  To my trusty utility trailer: You were awesomely helpful.  I had a number of adventures with you and will never forget you.  You would always be there, blocking my parking spot when I got home, gathering dust and welcoming me with a smile.  You will be missed.  Even though I probably spent over $700 on you and assorted accessories, and only got 250 for you, you will always be worth more than that to me.  Good bye, and may you serve your new owner well.

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