Sunday, May 24, 2015


You know what I'm into?  Fitness.  As in, fitness whole burger in my mouth.

Lol, so punny

On a serious note, fitness is extremely important, not just for your health, but also for looks.  A fit girl with an ugly face will almost always be considered more attractive than a fat girl with a pretty face.  That's because something like 90% of looking attractive is about being fit.  I don’t see it so often here in California because people are more image-conscious, but in Georgia, I’d often see fat girls plastered in makeup or with a deep tan because they thought it would make them look pretty.  As the old saying goes, you can’t put lipstick on a pig.

Oh, wait

What people fail to realize is, like a lot of things, fitness doesn't happen overnight.  (Except when I go for fit'ness burger in my mouth.  That I can do in like a minute.)  You need to take small steps.  People who only work out 10 minutes a day but stick to it for several months will see better results than those who go hard once or twice a week.

Cutting back on sugar also helps tremendously.  For the past decade, my weight would fluctuate between 180 and 195 lbs.  I thought I was pretty fit, but I did have a little chub.  A few months ago, I took some medication that had a side effect of appetite suppression, which helped me to lose about 20 lbs.  So there I am at 165, feeling better than I had in years, and I decided to keep the weight off.  So far, I've managed to stay under 170, and it feels good.

I'm 5'10, by the way.

So in summary, stop whining about being fat, work out REGULARLY (even if it's just walking around the block), eat less, cut out sugars and be patient!

Also, if you're a girl, use the time you spend tanning to work out.  

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