Deputy: All rise for the entrance of the honorable Judge Max Fightmaster
Judge: Please be seated. Now, first we'll have the prosecutor state his case.
Marshall Eriksson: Thank you, your honor. In his recent hit song, the defendant talks about rain being a good thing. However, we all know that rain is the leading cause of April showers and...
Judge: Hang on, I want to hear this from the horse's mouth. Mr Bryan, would you please tell me the lyrics to your song?
Luke Bryan: Yes, yer Highness, see, mah sawng goes a lil sumthing lahk this: rain makes corn, corn makes whiskey, whiskey makes my baby feel a little frisky - back roads are boggin' up, my buddies pile up in my truck...
Judge: Get to the point
Luke Bryan: Rain is a good thing
Judge: I see. Mr Eriksson, your rebuttal?
Marshall Eriksson: As I was saying, rain is the leading cause of April showers. April showers, as we all know, bring May flowers. Mayflowers bring the Pilgrims, who bring smallpox. Rain is definitely NOT a "good thang." Lawyered.
Judge: Pilgrims, Mr Bryan. Don't you know anything about American history?
Luke Bryan: Nah, I got out at fourth grade to pursue mah music career. My momma said I could sing real good.
Judge: I see. Well, short of any further evidence in support of rain being a good thing, I'm going to rule in favor of the plaintiff. Mr Bryan, your argument is invalid. From now on, you are banned from singing that song. I'd also suggest you don't reproduce, but I don't have that authority. You're now free to go get drunk on "whiskeh" and have unprotected sex with your girlfriend. God help us all.
Next case, The People Vs Nickelback
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