True wealth isn't about having a lot of stuff. It's about having few wants. Ask anyone how much money they need to be truly happy, and they'll all tell you the same thing: a little more.
But it's always going to be a little more if you don't know what it means to be truly wealthy and if you're never happy with what you already have.
Let's say you get a brand new car, like a fancy one. A luxury sedan, I think the car ads call them. It's amazing, It's fast, it's sexy, it's shiny.
Everybody either wants to be you or be with you, and people would give an arm and a leg to just sit in the passenger seat...
...except they don't.
When was the last time you stared enviously at a mid level BMW? One just like (gestures expansively) aaaaalll the others on the road, 60% of which were likely purchased in a fit of middle age crisis?
Anyway, the thrill of new shiny fades, the car loses value, and you crave the next shiny high. You get envious of your neighbor who just got an even luxurier sedan.
When most people buy fancy things, they're just trying to look wealthy. True wealth doesn't involve having expensive things but having few wants. It means being free from envy about other people's stuff. It means being free from debt and not stressing over missing a payment on something. It means not being a slave to a bank or a boss, and being able to spend time how you see fit.
If you're always chasing that next high, no amount of money will ever be enough. There's always something bigger and better. But if you are happy with a modest life, true wealth is attainable. Plus, you can calculate how much money you need to be able to live off passive income forever (It's 25-30 times your annual expenses, by the way).
Having time to do things we enjoy and having experiences are more valuable than stuff, and the benefits last longer.
Having time to do the things in life you enjoy tends to be more valuable than living in a big house or driving a fancy car while you're drowning in debt.
Just to be clear, I don't begrudge people buying good quality things, or even fancy or expensive things if they like them and can afford them. This post isn't directed at them.
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