Thursday, October 13, 2011

I'll find a title for this later

I don't know how many people actually read my posts regularly, but you may have noticed that they've been declining in frequency. 

I don't know what it is.  Maybe it's my penchant for noticing the squirrels when the situation calls for focus.  I guess if like me, you've been living for close to 30 years with unmedicated ADHD and possible (undiagnosed) Asperger's syndrome you would have some understanding of the need to go charging off after shiny things in the middle of a tense hostage situation.

Either that or it would just make people want to 'slap some sense' into you.  I just went off onto a tangent, didn't I?  See what I'm talking about?  It's a wonder I've made it through school or accomplished anything.  I'm as procrastinating as they come, yet always seem to get things done at the last minute, and done pretty well.  Any time I have a project, this is what I feel like for the first 75% of the time leading up to the deadline:
Eh, whatever, I got time
Then, when I notice I'm a few days away from the deadline, I start freaking out, knowing there's no way I can actually get the project done in time.

Why didn't I start when I had the time?
But unfailingly, after a few days (or usually hours) of harrowing work or cramming, the project turns out fine, sometimes even better than everyone else (if it's a test or something) and I wonder why I was even worried.

And repeat.

Anyway, back to the original topic.  I haven't written anything in forever, because ever since I got back from Afghanistan, it's like my muse has been lost.  While I was over there, the only things to do in your precious free time were work out and...  Yeah, pretty much just that.  Of course, you could watch movies or find a hobby or something.  For me, that hobby became writing.  There was always some subject that incensed me and got the creative juices flowing.  The thoughts poured out of my mind through my fingers in perfectly worded sentences engineered to deliver the greatest comedic effect or ridicule or whatever the goal was.  But I got back.  Life returned to normal (read: boring) and while I'm glad to be out of that hellhole, I miss the experiences that made writing so interesting.

I think another reason was that I got kind of lethargic.  Whenever an idea popped into my head in Afghanistan, I'd write it down as fast as possible for use later.  Now, I'm too lazy and can't be bothered to do that.

God, this post sucks.  Hope you enjoyed